Monday, May 21, 2012

Stop updating indexes for maven in eclipse

eclipse - M2E plugin continually updating index,(Prevent downloading repository index updates on startup)


How to stop  updating indexes for maven in eclipse? Most of the developer friends want the
answer to speed up the eclipse IDE.

Check option into the properties of maven.

 Go to Window-Preferences-Maven and there uncheck this "Download repository index updates on startup" option.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

How to uninstall (GWT) Google Plugins from Eclipse?

Uninstall/update eclipse plugins

Uninstall Google Plugins from eclipse (Google Web Toolkit).

In Eclipse ,
Go to Help > About > Click on Installation Details

Select name of the software from the lists and click Uninstall button at the bottom as below image.

From here, we can install, update any eclipse plugins easily.